Refier Newsletter
15th April 2021 -- Edition: 1.14
Hello Friends,
This edition of newsletter ”The Buzz” focuses on highlighting the importance of Rewards and Recognition in the 21st Century Workplace to build the desired levels of Employee Engagement and Retention. It’s high time that employers understand the necessity of dynamically refining the rewards and recognition system to keep the employees happy and engaged amidst the challenging uncertainties .
With hundreds of interruptions and those non-stop notifications from the social media accounts, disengaging from the job is easier than we have ever thought. The demographic mix of the employees with differential thinking patterns forces us to innovate and think of out of the box measures to retain the talent and keep them engaged for service longevity and organisation growth.
We hope you will enjoy going through the data points presented. Should you have a viewpoint on the subject or a feedback for our research team, please feel free to share the same with us at for further improvements.
Happy Reading
Thanks & Regards
Refier "The Buzz" Team